Monday, November 30, 2009

3 month pictures!

We went this past weekend to get some 3 month pictures taken. I'd say that Brayden did well for his first photo shoot! :)

Monday, November 16, 2009

3 month update!

Three months ago, our life changed so much...for the better of course! Brayden seems like such a big boy! He is over 15 pounds now and was 25 inches long at his last doctors appointment. He loves to smile, giggle, and give flirty looks! I can already tell that he will get away with a lot when he gives me that look in the future! He is starting to grab at toys and he will hold onto things for quite awhile. Brayden is holding his head up and will sit up with support. He is sleeping about 7 hours straight at night, usually about 9:00 p.m. until 4:00 a.m.. He'll go back to sleep until about 8:00 a.m. on days that he doesn't have to go to daycare, otherwise I have to get him up around 6:30. He takes about 3 solid naps during the day that range from a half hour to 2 hours, although he does fight the sleep. I guess he doesn't want to miss any excitement during the day. Obviously he's a good eater since he's keeping up the weight! He is drinking about 7 bottles a day of 5oz of formula...sometimes more, sometimes less. He loves getting a bath and will now splash around and soak his Mommy! He has been on many road trips up to Columbus and Wadsworth to visit family and he loves car rides! He loves to be in his swing and will spend so much time hanging out on his activity gym. He talks to us a lot and many mornings I will hear him talking to himself in his crib. I usually sneak up on him and look down and he'll just give the biggest smile! We are just enjoying every moment with our little man!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Brayden's first Halloween!

In the years to come I'm sure that he'll want to dress as a superhero or something "manly"...this year I got to dress him in something "cute".