Saturday, January 28, 2012

Project 365: Week 4

Day 22: 1/22/2012 I went on a cleaning/organizing rampage today and FINALLY got our storage closet organized! It had become a disaster area and now we can see the floor! :)

Day 23: 1/23/2012 My craftiness of the week. I used a TV tray that we had and used Mod Podge to attach some photos from Rome. I had seen the idea for this in the newspaper, but they used postcards. Figured pictures work just as well!

Day 24: 1/24/2012 Sometimes when I'm trying to get Brayden's shoes or jacket on in the morning (while I'm trying to get out of the house on time), he decides to pretend to fall asleep. Location of choice for him this time was the kitchen floor! :)

Day 25: 1/25/2012 Post office trip with Daddy! I occupied Brayden with Jeff's hat and glasses while Jeff was mailing a package.

Day 26: 1/26/2012 Brayden was still acting very sleepy after his nap (which may have been the beginning of the stomach bug that he got). Only good thing about a sick kid is the cuddling and snuggles!

Day 27: 1/27/2012 Dinner from Milano Pizzeria! As you can see, Brayden and I couldn't wait for Jeff to get home from work!

Day 28: 1/28/2012 Today we took a trip to Koblenz, Germany. We walked around Deutsches Eck ("German corner") which is the name of the land where the Moselle and Rhine River join. There is a huge statue with a man on a horse there which was to honor German Emperor William I. Here are Jeff and Brayden inside of the monument.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Project 365: Week 3

Day 15: 1/15/2012 10 weeks with baby Keenan #2!

Day 16: 1/16/2012 This is Mickey. This is Lucy's favorite toy. Mickey drives us insane! :) He has somehow managed to follow us from Tennessee to Ohio to Georgia and then made the flight over here in Lucy's kennel with her. It will disappear for months under furniture, but always reappears. She loves this toy, but she drives us crazy with him! :)

Day 17: 1/17/2012 We went to Jeff's work tonight for a Hail and Farewell and while we were waiting for it to start, Brayden watched some Thomas videos in "Daddy's office"!

Day 18: 1/18/2012 Brayden is doing well with the potty training and will just go by himself when we are at home. Today he was taking a long time in the bathroom so I peeked in on him. He was just pulling every last little piece of toilet paper off of the empty toilet paper roll. He put all of the toilet paper pieces in the toilet. Silly boy! :)

Day 19: 1/19/2012 Blast from the past! I was thinking about how I would love a beach vacation and realized that it was almost exactly a year ago when we went on a trip to Panama City Beach to visit Mamaw (Jeff's grandma). It was Brayden's first time at the beach and we had to hold him back from just jumping into the water. Fun times!

Day 20: 1/20/2012 Today was our monthly social for MOMS Club and a Zumba instructor came to talk about her classes and show us some of the moves. Some of the MOMS and kids got up to dance. Guess who was in the middle of it all showing off his dance moves! :)

Day 21: 1/21/2012 A couple of pictures today! Very cool evening spent at the USO Warrior Center! MOMS Club arranged for this to be our service project this quarter. We served dinner to the wounded soldiers that are staying at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center. The Willy Pete band was playing as well. They kept everyone entertained throughout the night! Everyone was very gracious for the meal that we prepared and we are very grateful for them!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Project 365: Week 2

Day 8: 1/8/2012 Girl Scout cookies are back! We've already gone through 3 boxes and I'm sure we'll go through many more! :)

Day 9: 1/9/2012 This is a rare occasion! Brayden fell asleep in the car on the way home from the babysitters and was clearly not ready to wake up yet when I got him out of the car. He cried and cried then finally I got him to fall back to sleep on the couch. He stayed there for at least another hour and a half.

Day 10: 1/10/2012 Bath time! We got Brayden these Elmo bath fizz colors in his stocking for Christmas. The little tablets dissolve in the water and turn it colors. His favorite one is blue. :)

Day 11: 1/11/2012 I FINALLY got our Italy pictures back from Snapfish and was able to use my new picture frame that I got for Christmas. Thanks Erin! :) (I've tried a million times to get this picture rotated and it must not like me today!)

Day 12: 1/12/2012 Beautiful artwork by Brayden. :) He sure loves stickers!

Day 13: 1/13/2012 Nothing like waking up to this in the morning! Jeff got up with Brayden and let me sleep a little longer, but about a half hour later I had this face to wake up to! :)

Day 14: 1/14/2012 Brayden went to a 5 year old's "Fancy Nancy" birthday party today! He got to come home with a cape! He wasn't a fan of wearing it, but I managed to snap a picture before he took it off.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The rest of the first week of 2012!

Day 5: 1/5/2012 Today we got to see Baby Keenan #2 for the first time. They changed my due date to August 10th due to the baby's size on the ultrasound. It was so nice to see a nice strong heartbeat!

Day 6: 1/6/2012 Our first baby! Couldn't resist getting a cute shot of Lucy today! Hard to believe that she will be 6 years old later this year!

Day 7: 1/7/2012 We went to downtown Kaiserslautern for some shopping and lunch today. Brayden fell asleep while shopping and stayed asleep through our entire meal at lunch. It was the most relaxing meal that Jeff and I have had out in a long time! :)

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Goodbye 2011, Hello 2012!

What a year 2011 has been for us!
Jeff has been hard at work as Company Commander here. The job keeps him very busy mainly because his Soldiers work 24/7 so there's always something going on. I started a new part-time job as a Speech-Language Pathologist at Ramstein Intermediate School at the beginning of December. It's going well so far, but I am very thankful that it's only part-time. I only have about 20 children on my caseload which is a piece of cake compared to the 80 that I had on my caseload when I worked in the schools in Tennessee. Brayden has been spending 4 days a week at a babysitter's house and goes to the daycare center on base one day a week. The girl that watches him at her house is great! She basically runs it like a preschool so it's nice to know that he's actually learning something.
If someone would have told me years ago that in 2011 we would live in 3 different houses, 2 of which were in Germany, I would have called you crazy! Besides living in Augusta, Georgia until May and traveling a lot to Ohio, it's hard to believe that we've managed to see as many places as we have. I only hope that our list is a lot longer for 2012!
Here are some of the places that we've had the opportunity to see this year!

Panama City, FL- January
Columbia, SC- March
Denver and Colorado Springs, CO- May/June (Jeff)
Nashville, TN- June (Stephanie and Brayden)
Move to Kaiserslautern, Germany (June)
Heidelberg, Germany- July
Triberg (Black Forest), Germany- August
Trier, Germany- September and November
Munich, Germany- October (Jeff)
Rome and Naples, Italy- October
St. Avold, France- November
Luxembourg- November
Bernkastel-Kues, Germany- November
Bastogne, Belgium- December

We are starting off the new year with a potty trained 2 year old and another baby on the way! I'd say that's a good place to start!

I've heard of a lot of people doing Project 365 where they take one picture every day throughout the year. I'm going to attempt to do this and post it on the blog. Hope I can keep up and remember to take a picture every day but I think that it will be a great way of documenting what we've been up to! Here are our first few days of 2012!

Day 1: 1/1/2012 I went on a cleaning rampage today and completing that with a toddler is nearly impossible! Right when I had finished cleaning the downstairs, I realized that Brayden had left his mark again!

Day 2: 1/2/2012 Cranberry Apple favorite dessert of the holidays! I had some pie crust to use so I thought that I might as well make it again.

Day 3: 1/3/2012 This is the face of a boy that wore big boy underwear all day and stayed dry!

Day 4: 1/4/2012 Every night I have started asking Brayden to set the table. I tell him to give Mommy, Daddy and Brayden a fork and napkin. He did such a good job tonight! :)