Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Our little man!

9 months! Our little man has developed such a personality which is clearly seen from the above pictures. He is so entertaining and we have so much fun just watching him. Brayden's 9 month checkup went well today. He's 21 lbs, 2 oz (65th percentile), 29 in long (80th percentile), and his head circumference is 18 3/4 in. (97th percentile). Now he's drinking 3 8oz bottles a day and he drinks juice and water throughout the day from a straw cup or sippy cup. He's eating 3 meals a day of meats, fruits and/or veggies. He's been eating table foods and he's doing a great job so far! He loves Cheerios, puffs, green beans, bananas and strawberries. He's still a great sleeper and usually sleeps 10-12 hours a night. Usually he takes 2 naps a day that last about an hour.
Brayden is on the go now! He has been crawling and pulling up to stand for about a month now. He has been crawling on his elbows and knees until last week when he finally figured out that he can be faster on his hands and knees. He's pulling to stand, cruising all along the furniture and it will not be long before he starts to walk!
Brayden LOVES to talk! Sometimes he will just look at us and make a sound so that we will imitate him. He's saying "dada", "mama" and all kinds of other sounds. He tries to imitate sounds all of the time. He's recognizes his own name and he's starting to respond to "no". Usually he'll stop what he's doing, look, smile then go back to what he was doing! He's starting to laugh at funny faces and sounds.
Just when we think that things can't get more fun with him, he starts doing more things that amaze us!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Time for a bath!

Ever since Brayden has begun trying some mashed table foods, we've given him tastes of just about anything that we eat. Brayden has tried rice, tomatoes, pasta, pineapple, and even sauerkraut! It's so much fun to see his reactions to all of the new tastes! It's so much fun to watch him get messy, too!
Pasta aftermath 5-2-10