Wednesday, October 16, 2013

14 months and gearing up for craziness!

I told myself that I wouldn't get behind with blogs/scrapbooking with the second child. I told myself that I would take just as many videos and pictures of Ainsley as I did with Brayden. Yep, Mom fail. :) I tell myself that I will do better but the next few months isn't going to help. In the next month, my car and all of our household goods will be off to Kansas. Jeff will be passing on his job to his replacement and we will be saying goodbye to this chapter of our life in Germany. As much as I am ready to be back with everything familiar to me, there is so much that I will miss about this part of our lives where I learn something new every day. Whether it is a new German word, a new food to try, a new place to visit, or a new store to shop. I feel like every day is an adventure here and I know that we are going to view things a lot differently when we get back to the States. I'm sure that we aren't going to sit on the couch on weekends. This experience has forced us to embrace the things around us and see as much as possible. There are so many more trips that we would have loved to take, but we definitely feel like we have taken full advantage of this opportunity to live overseas. I know that we will make the most of living in Kansas and see everything there is to see around the area. I'm looking forward to living somewhere that is brand new to us! So the real reason I started this blog post, Ainsley is 14 months! She just started walking last week...finally! She's still pretty unsteady on her feet but at least she's making an effort now. She says "Dada", "Mama", "Hi", "nana"-banana, "ni-ni"-night night, "eeeeee" for "cheese" and "please" and says her version of "all done". She also signs "please", "thank you", "more" and "all done". She loves to eat and probably would live off to bananas if she had her choice. She eats just about anything that we put in front of her though. Ainsley is such a happy girl. She gives kisses on command and she gives the best hugs (she'll even pat your back). She loves to climb the stairs and crawl around everywhere. She is very curious and loves to get into things. Ainsley continues to brighten every day for us!