Thursday, January 10, 2013

5 months!

I really have absolutely no idea where the past 5 months have gone! I must say that Ainsley has made having a newborn incredibly easy! She is very happy, easygoing, content and best of all....she has slept through the night since 3 weeks old!! We really aren't sure how we've gotten so lucky! She started rolling over on New Years Eve. She's about 16 pounds right now and was 26 inches long at her 4 month appointment. She drinks A LOT during the day and we just started some solids this week. So far we've tried cereal, sweet potatoes and bananas and none have been a huge hit yet. I'm in no hurry to get her eating mainly because she's pretty content with just milk for now. She is giggling, smiling, belly laughing and only cries when she's hungry or overly tired. We couldn't ask for a better baby! Brayden LOVES her and has been so helpful. He loves to give her hugs and kisses and he loves to make her smile! Sometimes when he runs around, she just giggles at him. I can't wait to see how they interact in the next few months when Ainsley becomes more mobile!

New Year, New Adventures

As I look back on 2012, I have to say that it definitely goes down as one of the best years that we've had! Although we hate being away from family, we have had an amazing (and BUSY!) year! We traveled, moved into a new house (again), took a trip back to the States, had family come to visit and added a wonderful little girl to our family! One of the things that I wanted to do in 2012 was to have a larger travel list than we did in 2011 and we definitely succeeded. We have taken full advantage of where we live and we are loving every minute of it! Germany has become a "home" now and it sure is going to feel weird to leave later this year. Here is what we were up to in 2012... January 28th- Koblenz, Germany February 17-20th- London, England March 5- Nurnberg, Germany (Jeff) March 17th-18th- Munich, Germany May 11-13th- Amsterdam, Netherlands May 25-28th- Zadar, Croatia June 1-12- Colorado Springs, CO (Jeff) June 13-26th- Ohio (Brayden and Stephanie) July 18-24th- Colorado Springs, CO (Jeff) October 7th- Darmstadt, Germany- Burg Frankenstein October 27-28th- Remagen, Cologne, Burg Eltz, Germany November 9-10th- Brussels/Brugge, Belgium November 23-24th- Paris, France December 1st- Medieval Christmas Market, Kusel, Germany December 16th- St. Wendel, Germany Christmas Market December 22nd- Saarbrucken, Germany Christmas Market December 28th- Hamm, Luxembourg (American Cemetery), Trier, Kusel, Germany December 29th- Bastogne, Belgium (Jeff) December 30th- Strasbourg, France We feel so fortunate to have the opportunities that we have right now and we look forward to 2013!!