Wednesday, March 17, 2010

7 months!

Brayden turned 7 months yesterday and picked the perfect day to get his first tooth! He has been quite cranky and wasn't sleeping as well as usual so we knew that something was going on. The tooth finally poked through yesterday and hopefully the rest aren't as rough on him.
He has been quite entertaining lately! His personality is truly coming out and he is laughing and smiling more than ever. He is babbling like crazy and we are hearing all kinds of sounds from him. "Dadadada" is all we hear these days! That's right...not "mamama"! :) There are times when I try to get him to say "mama" and he either says "dada" or he shakes his head "no". Obviously at this age he has no idea what it means to shake his head "no", but it's pretty entertaining when he does it. He started to imitate sounds this month, so overall, Brayden is making his Speech Pathologist Mom very happy!
He's very close to 20 lbs now, but hasn't been officially weighed since his 6 month checkup. He is wearing 9 month clothing now. The boy can definitely eat! He is getting 3-4 8oz bottles a day and is getting spoon fed meals 3 times a day. There are times when he will eat 2 jars of food with cereal at each sitting. So far there hasn't been any kind of fruit or vegetable that he turns down or acts like he doesn't like.
Brayden is finally sitting up on his own for a few minutes at a time, but we keep the Boppy pillow behind him just in case he decides to lean back too far. He is rolling everywhere now and pivoting around to reach for things. I'm sure it won't be long until he's crawling!
He's sleeping from about 7:00pm until 6:00am which is wonderful! On the days that he doesn't go to daycare, he'll typically take a bottle around 6:00am then go back to sleep until about 8:00 or 9:00am. We are so happy that he likes his bed! :)
Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone!!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Like father, like son...

I walk out of the room and come back to this. :)

February 25, 2010