Monday, June 15, 2009

Some more house pictures!

The house has definitely come together! The only place that is left to unpack is the shed out back where all of our garage things are. To be honest, I'm actually scared to go out there and unpack because I'm petrified of bugs and I know they've got to be out there! haha! That may be a project for Jeff when he comes home :)
This weekend after Jeff gets home, we're planning on going baby furniture shopping so we can finally get started on that room! I'm very excited for that!
I start my new job on Monday (which also happens to be my birthday!). I'm not too excited to sit through orientation all day on my birthday, but I'm ready to get started with the job. I will be working Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays which I think will be perfect so that I'll also have time to get ready for the baby. I'll continue the part time schedule after the baby as well so I'll get to spend more time at home!
Here are pictures of some of the rest of the house...

Upstairs bathroom
Master bedroom
Master bedroom again
Guest bedroom...for all of you that want to come and stay with us!! :)

Friday, June 12, 2009

30 weeks!

Here is what we're looking like at 30 weeks! Time sure is flying!! Getting kicked in the ribs is starting to get really old, but I consider myself lucky that that's the only complaint that I have! :)

Sunday, June 7, 2009

About 11 weeks and counting...

My favorite thing about living in Oakley is that you can walk only a short distance to a lot of shops and restaurants in Oakley Square and Hyde Park Square. Tonight, I took Lucy on a long walk up to Hyde Park Square to get some Graeter's because the baby wanted some ice cream (ok, ok, I wanted ice cream, but I can only use the baby excuse for 2 more months, so I'm going to use it..haha!). Jeff is still in New Jersey for work and sent me pictures of the oysters and crab legs that he was eating for dinner to make me jealous, so I had to rub in the fact that I was having Graeter's, so I sent him the above picture.
It seems like a lot of things are falling in place. A couple of days after we moved in, I got an email from one of the hospitals down here that I applied to. I went on an interview and found out on Friday that I got the job! I'll be working part time in the NICU and doing some outpatient therapy. I've always wanted a job in the NICU, but have never had the opportunity, so I'm really excited. I know that I will learn a lot since I will be in a medical setting. I'm sure that it will be a challenge at first, but challenging is good!
We also hit 29 weeks on Friday! Hard to believe that the baby will be here in about 11 weeks! Things have been going great. I feel wonderful except for when the baby kicks me in the ribs...haha. My energy level is pretty normal, but I'm definitely ready for some relaxing time now that the house is arranged! I'm really looking forward to when Jeff comes home so that we can get the baby furniture and get that room all ready! Here is what I look like at 29 weeks!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

New house

The house is coming along and I'm starting to feel a bit settled. The upstairs is still a work in progress, but at least I've managed to get all of the clutter out of the 1st floor!

Monday, June 1, 2009

The big move!

We are officially back in the city of Cincinnati!!! We made the big move last week and all I have to say is thank goodness for movers! They were not too fond of us because we moved into an older home filled with narrow doorways and steep staircases, but they were troopers and got everything moved in...and didn't even break anything! :) We are still getting settled, but it's beginning to look like a home. Jeff is in New Jersey for training for the next 3 weeks and I'm sure that this place will look completely different by the time he gets home!
We are very excited to be back in Cincinnati and closer to family and friends. We are renting a place in Oakley until we find out whether or not Jeff's job will put us here permanently. Our neighborhood is great. Everyone sits out on their big front porches in the morning to drink their coffee and there are so many restaurants and shopping areas that are within walking distance. It is very strange to be able to drive 2 minutes and have everything you need right there! I've definitely missed that aspect of a big city! I will post pictures of the house once it's free of boxes and clutter :)