Sunday, March 20, 2011

19 months and St. Patrick's Day 2011!

What a little talker Brayden is becoming! Well, he has always been a talker, but at least now he is able to be understood more! Some new words that he's started using this month are "juice", "water", "good girl" (for Lucy), "Mamaw", "Papaw", "diaper", "boom", "cheese", "down", and "cookie". He swings his arm for "golf", says "swish" for basketball and still raises both arms up in the air for "touchdown" whenever he sees football. His favorite new thing to do is to ask people to "hit the rock". He even tries to get the dog to do it. :) Trucks, cars and trains are still his favorite toys!
This month he even used the potty! We bought a potty and just wanted him to become familiar with it. I was in no hurry to address the potty training issue since we are going to be moving in a couple of months because I knew that he would likely regress. He was really curious about the potty so he would sit on it every once in awhile and he had 3 successes! I figured that if he's having positive experiences with it, we might as well go for it but definitely no rush to get out of the diapers for now!
Jeff's parents came down this week on their way to Florida so we celebrated Brayden's Papaw's birthday when they got here. I baked a cake and Brayden did an awesome job signing his name on the card. :) On Saturday, we went down to the Riverwalk and had lunch downtown. The rest of the weekend was taken over by March Madness!