Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!!

Still the cutest little animal on the block :)

(Halloween 2009 and 2010)

Friday, October 29, 2010

Fun day at the park!!

Brayden had a great time today at the park! He loved the swing and he went down the slide all by himself! We are loving this beautiful Georgia weather!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

13-14 months!

Since we were so occupied with the move last month, I didn't have a chance to update the blog with everything that Brayden has been up to. He has been adjusting well to the new house and we've gotten involved with a MOMS group so that Brayden has the chance to meet other kids his age. It's been a great chance to become familiar with the parks and other fun places for kids around Augusta.
He is talking like crazy and uses the words "Mama", "Dada", "dog", "kaka" for blanket, "yuck", "bye bye", "up", "hot", "ada" for all done, "more", "milk", "night night" and always says the "p" sound when he wants help with something. I guess it's his version of "help" since I always say "Do you need help?" when he's whining. He tries really hard to imitate other words, but just hasn't used them on his own yet. He has started to use the signs for "more" and "all done". He also waves "hi" and "bye". When you ask him what a cow says, he says "moo" and he says "quack quack" for a duck. When you ask him about a dog, he still pants like one. He can identify his belly, nose, and hair. He also strokes his hair when you say the word "handsome". Haha! Most of the time when we ask him to get something for us like his ball or blanket, he will go get it and bring it back. He just started taking his dirty diapers to the trash can right after I change him. I thought that I was going to die laughing the first time that he did it.
He loves to play with cars, books and the ball popper. His new favorite activity is to take things off of the table or out of his toy chest, then put them right back where they belong. Brayden loves to knock over block towers and now he is able to just stack up 2 blocks on his own then knock them over. He loves to play outside and we've gotten lucky since it's still in the 80s here during the day. Lucy is still his favorite playmate and he loves to chase her around the house.
Once we got settled here in our new house, we stopped giving him bottles. He didn't have a problem with it at all! We had to clear out the 12 month clothes so obviously he's eating and drinking enough! He gets milk, juice and water throughout the day from his straw cup and eats just about everything that we put in front of him. His favorite foods are pasta, chicken, green beans, peas, peaches and pears. For some reason, he doesn't like to eat mandarin oranges but I will gladly eat them for him! :) He's down to one nap a day that ranges anywhere from 1-3 hours. Since we've been pretty busy during the mornings, we've moved the nap until about 1:00p.m..
Brayden is running around everywhere and now he thinks that it's fun to spin in circles! He is quite the dancer and loves to stomp around the kitchen. He also walks backwards and laughs at himself while he does it. Doesn't take much to entertain a 1 year old!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Little Fireman!

Today we went to our first MOMS event at a local fire station. The firemen gave a tour of the whole building and let the kids play inside the fire truck. Brayden just liked the shiny, bright truck!

Friday, October 1, 2010


I am so disappointed in myself since I haven't been keeping up with this blog lately! Needless to say, we've been quite busy!! September involved a lot of traveling for us! Labor Day weekend, Jeff surprised me with a trip to Fresno, California to watch the Bearcats play. My mom came to Cinci to watch Brayden for the weekend and it was a really nice getaway. Too bad the Bearcats couldn't pull off a win and make the trip even better!
We spent about a week or so traveling between Columbus and Wadsworth to see family before making the long trip to Augusta, Georgia! Fort Gordon will be our home for the next 10 months while Jeff completes the S6 Course and Captains Career Course. So far we are loving our house! We are really excited to meet new people, see new places and get back into Army life!