Friday, January 15, 2010

5 months old!!!

It's amazing that tomorrow will be 5 months since Brayden entered our world! I feel like he has changed so much even in the past month! The biggest change in the past month is that we have tried some "real" food! It was a disaster at first because he just really didn't know that anything but a bottle would make him happy. Now that he's gotten used to a spoon, he's a champ! He's not a fan of plain rice cereal, but he likes the kind with fruit mixed in it. He loves applesauce, sweet potatoes and carrots. He's drinking 4-5 8oz bottles a day, but that depends on how much cereal and "real" food that he gets that day. He usually goes to bed between 7:30-8 and sleeps for about 11 hours. We LOVE him for that! He takes 2-3 naps a day that range from about 1-2 hours. He has really lost his baby look and he's starting to look like a little man (and just like his Daddy). Brayden is sitting up with some support, but does have some moments when he can balance on his own. He can roll from his belly to his back, and he is rolling from his back to his side all of the time. There are times when we'll leave the room and he's on the other side of the room when we get back because he just pivoted around by kicking and rolling to his side. No teeth yet, but he continues to be a drool monster! He also "talks" all of the time and he tells great stories! :)

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