Sunday, February 14, 2010

6 months!!

WHEW time flies! Brayden is 6 months old now and we could not be more happy that we have him around! He is getting to be such a little man already! Eating is definitely one of his favorite things to do. He's now eating cereal and stage 1 and 2 fruits/veggies 2-3 times a day. So far he has loved all of them including sweet potatoes, peas, squash, green beans, applesauce, peaches, pears, prunes and bananas. He's still getting 3-4 8oz bottles a day, too. All of this eating explains why he is 18 lbs, 15.5oz (75th percentile) and 28 inches long (92nd percentile). His head circumference is 18 inches (92nd percentile). He's wearing 6-9 month clothing, but he is quickly outgrowing them. Although his sleep schedule was affected within the past week since he was sick, he usually sleeps from about 8pm-7am. He'll usually take 2 naps during the day that range from 1-2 hours. He really enjoys his sleep (we enjoy it too!). Brayden is able to roll from belly to back and back to belly in both directions. When he is on his belly, he pivots around to grab at toys. He is able to sit up on his own for a minute or two on his own, but he loses his balance when he tries to grab at things. His feet are his new favorite snack and he just loves to get those toes in his mouth! Guess we have to get on that childproofing soon cause he will soon be on the move! He is making all sorts of sounds (which I LOVE, of course! :)). He is starting to imitate facial expressions and sounds. It's very funny to watch him study your face, then try to do the same thing. Peek-a-boo is his favorite little game and now he laughs when you just say the word "boo!". Lucy and Brayden have become great friends and he now grabs at her and she tolerates it! She loves to give him kisses which grosses people out, but I'd rather have her love on him than hate him. Brayden also had a chance to experience his first big snowfall this month! He wasn't quite sure what to think! Life is so much fun with our little man and I can't wait to see what he has in store for us in the months to come!

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