Thursday, April 15, 2010

8 months!

We know that things are going to get better and better as time goes on, but this is such a FUN age right now! Brayden has such a personality and he is keeping us entertained!
He is sleeping about 11-12 hours a night, usually about 7pm-7am. He's taking a morning and an afternoon nap which usually last about an hour or two. Depending on the day, he may take another cat nap during the day.
Brayden still loves to eat! He is still just working with his 2 bottom upper ones yet! He's drinking 3 8oz bottles and eating about 4 jars of stage 2 foods a day. This month, we have tried beef, chicken, turkey and ham (pureed, of course) and he eats it up! He will still eat any fruit or vegetable that we put in front of him. We have started to give him some puffs as well and although he wasn't sure at first, he's enjoying them now. He is even grabbing them and putting them in his mouth on his own. He is able to drink out of a sippy cup and we've even tried an open cup. Even though we hold the open cup for him, it is still quite messy especially when he tries to do it himself! :)
He was 18.6 lbs when I weighed him the other day. I think that he has lost a little bit of weight because he's burning more calories these days since he's on the go! Brayden has discovered that the Army crawl will get him somewhere! He is rolling and "crawling" everywhere. He hasn't quite figured out how to get on his hands and knees to move yet, but it's not stopping him! Within the past couple of days, he has attempted to reach up to things to pull to stand, but he's just not quite there yet. He is now able to transition from sitting to his belly without falling flat on his face (like he did a couple of weeks ago). :)
He is still babbling like crazy! "Dada" is his favorite thing to babble at this point, but we still hear "mama", "nana" and "baba" every once in awhile. He makes the funniest facial expressions and sounds when he gets really excited (see picture below). Screaming is something that he enjoys as well! He loves to be tickled and thrown up in the air. His little laugh is just too cute! He is starting to grab onto us like he's giving us hugs. There is nothing better than that!
Separation anxiety has set in as well! There are times, especially when he's tired, that he does not want to be left alone. Luckily, bedtime is a time that he doesn't mind being left alone and he's usually smiling and cuddling with his seahorse glow worm when we leave the room.
He is getting to be such a big boy and we are loving every moment!
First swinging experience with his cousin, Adrian 4/11/10

This is the excited look. He twists his wrists and ankles around and around and makes a grunting sound. Hilarious!

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