Friday, August 20, 2010

12 month checkup!

Brayden had his 12 month checkup today! It seemed like just yesterday that we took him for his first appointment when he was about 3 days old!
He is 23 lbs, 7 oz (60th percentile), 30 1/2 inches tall (75th percentile) and his head circumference is 19 in (90th percentile). Such a big boy now!
Brayden is eating all table foods and he's now drinking 3 8oz bottles of whole milk a day (YAY for not buying formula anymore!). He also drinks out of a straw cup, sippy cup and open cup (with some help) so we're going to start getting rid of the bottles soon! Some of his favorite foods are bananas, green beans, mac and cheese, strawberries, pears and peaches. He will pretty much try anything that we put in front of him though.
He is still walking everywhere! He likes to crawl up stairs, but he hasn't quite figured out his way down yet. He has realized that he needs to turn around and go feet first on his belly though. He hasn't started running yet (thank goodness!) but he walks very quickly and loves when we chase him. Brayden is also quite the dancer and if he just hears a couple of beats of music he starts moving!
It is so much fun to just sit in Brayden's room and play! Sometimes when we pretend that we're asleep, he comes up and gives us a big wet kiss and tries to open up our eyes. He also imitates our sneezes, coughs and laughs. He imitates Lucy and has started panting like a dog when she's around. Playing catch with Lucy has become his new favorite game.
Brayden says "Mama" and "Dada". He has imitated the words "dog", "night night", "hi", "bye" and " ball". He used the word "dog" on his own as well when he was playing with Lucy. There are times when it definitely sounds like he's imitating other words that we're saying. He has made the sounds "woof woof" for a dog and "vroom vroom" for a car. He understands so much of what were saying and typically when we ask him to get something he will get them especially his blanket, bottle or Lucy. At night, we say "Time to go night-night" and he walks back to his bedroom.
Brayden definitely understands what the word "no" means and he has a pouty lip that he sticks out when we say it! Sometimes when we say "no", he will stop what he's doing and move on to something else.
The past year has gone by so quickly, but we would not change our lives for anything! Brayden is so special and we are enjoying every minute!

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