Monday, February 27, 2012

Project 365: Week 8

Day 50: 2/19/2012 Here's Brayden running around in the water near the Tower Bridge in London.

Day 51: 2/20/2012 This is the inside of the Liverpool Station. This is where we caught our train to go back to the airport. Loved the inside of the station!

Day 52: 2/21/2012 Every night in the bath, Brayden plays with his foam letters. I bought these about a year and a half ago and it was the best $5 that I ever spent at Target! He can name all of the letters now!

Day 53: 2/22/2012 Finally some sunshine and warmer weather! Took Lucy for a walk today and of course, Brayden found a hill to run up and down!

Day 54: 2/23/2012 I went on a cleaning rampage today and Brayden decided to help. He came downstairs from nap, grabbed a paper towel and said "wipe the window, clean the window". I've trained him well! :)

Day 55: 2/24/2012 While I was cooking dinner, Brayden took a potholder and took it into the living room. Lucy got a hold of it and must have smelled something good on it!

Day 56: 2/25/2012 We had friends over for dinner tonight. Brayden's friend, Aiden, came over. They were taking a break from playing and enjoyed some cartoons! :)

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