Sunday, March 22, 2009

More baby pictures!

This was a crazy week to say the least! Jeff's parents and sister came in town last weekend and stayed the night on their way to Florida. Lucy was sooo excited because we got to watch their dog, Lizzy for the week. They are so entertaining to watch together. Lizzy is basically a dog that is half Lucy (Australian Cattle Dog) and half Border Collie. They look like mother and daughter. We also put our house on the market on Wednesday. Our realtor came over to snap some pictures and put it online that night. By Friday, we already had someone that wanted to come look at the house. We haven't heard anything about their visit yet, but hopefully we'll get a lot more people here to look at it!
Probably the best highlight of the week was that I went last weekend to get a 4D ultrasound! Jeff was out of town in Cincinnati, so I figured that it would be a good surprise to come home to. They put the entire ultrasound on DVD, so I knew that he would get to see whatever I saw. It was the most awesome thing that we've ever seen. The baby's heartbeat was around 146 bpm. The ultrasound tech had me drink a very cold glass of water, walk around and touch my toes a couple of times because the baby was just curled up in a ball and would not stretch out. Finally, we were able to get some good pictures. He said that we have a very active baby and it looked like a normal 17 week old.
Above picture: The arms are the 2 things towards the top of the picture and they are covering the eyes. The baby is in a ball, so the knees are back.
Above picture: The baby is sucking it's thumb.

Above picture: The leg is in the left side of the picture and the hands are still covering it's eyes.

Above picture: Good view of the baby curled up in a ball. The chin is in it's chest.

They could have told us the gender of the baby, but I didn't want to know. Unfortunately, we think that some of the pictures gave it away. We may not be able to read ultrasounds, but we definitely aren't blind! Our guess would be that we've got a little boy in there, but we'll see what we get in August! :)

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