Monday, June 15, 2009

Some more house pictures!

The house has definitely come together! The only place that is left to unpack is the shed out back where all of our garage things are. To be honest, I'm actually scared to go out there and unpack because I'm petrified of bugs and I know they've got to be out there! haha! That may be a project for Jeff when he comes home :)
This weekend after Jeff gets home, we're planning on going baby furniture shopping so we can finally get started on that room! I'm very excited for that!
I start my new job on Monday (which also happens to be my birthday!). I'm not too excited to sit through orientation all day on my birthday, but I'm ready to get started with the job. I will be working Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays which I think will be perfect so that I'll also have time to get ready for the baby. I'll continue the part time schedule after the baby as well so I'll get to spend more time at home!
Here are pictures of some of the rest of the house...

Upstairs bathroom
Master bedroom
Master bedroom again
Guest bedroom...for all of you that want to come and stay with us!! :)

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