Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The waiting game...

No baby yet! The due date is about a week away though so we're getting excited...and impatient! :) Jeff had to travel to Indianapolis this week for work so he was gone Sunday and Monday night. I was a little worried with him being gone, but I knew that he could be home within a couple of hours if needed. On Monday night, I barely got any sleep. I woke up on and off all night long with cramping/contractions. I just tried to stay in bed and get some rest because I figured that if the pain got too bad, I wouldn't be able to sleep through it. I ended up calling off work since I knew that I wasn't well rested and I had no idea what the day had in store for me. I continued to feel a cramping feeling all day, but it wasn't really something that I could start timing since it was just a constant feeling. I called the doctor's office after I woke up and they said to just take it easy, take some Tylenol for the pain and call if the contractions are 5 minutes apart.
So after the long couple of days that I had, I thought that I may get some news today at my doctor's appointment. Turns out that I'm still at 3 cm...oh well! My weight stayed the same and my blood pressure was normal. The doctor said that it's just a matter of time and we just have to wait until the water breaks and/or for the contractions get regular. She said that she really doubts that I will last another week. I guess the baby will come when he/she is ready! I'm still feeling a lot of cramping/contractions, but I'm still not able to really time anything yet. Hopefully something will happen soon!!!

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