Wednesday, August 5, 2009

37 week update!!

Baby Keenan is full term now! 37 weeks...crazy! Crazy to think that he/she could make an appearance at any time now. The past week has been more of the same. I finally feel that we have the house/nursery completely ready to go. I went out earlier this week and picked up some last minute stuff just to make myself feel more at ease.
I've been feeling ok, just starting to get a lot of hip pain. I definitely feel a lot of stretching and even laying down hurts my hips. I have felt contractions, but nothing regular enough to start timing or anything like that.
Now for the exciting part...our doctor's appointment this morning. I'm at 3 cm and 50% effaced! I was going to be quite upset if I wasn't further along than last week with all of the hip pain I've been feeling. The doctor said that it's definitely a good sign and everything is progressing nicely. She said that it's a good sign that labor will progress nicely when we get to that point and it probably won't be a really long 20 hour labor or anything. We made her take a guess on the due date and she said that if she had to guess, she would say the 16th or 17th instead of the 20th. We'll see if she's right! Not sure that I can grow much more :)

1 comment:

  1. I've been thinking about you alot the past couple of days---so glad to see the post today on your blog and to hear how things are going. I am getting so excited!
    Love you!
