Wednesday, July 14, 2010

11 months!!!!

I can't believe that we will be celebrating Brayden's first birthday next month!! The biggest thing that has happened in the past couple of weeks is that Brayden is walking! It's amazing how quickly that he went from taking 3-4 steps to taking 10-15 at a time. He's got some bumps and bruises, but he's catching on quickly! I love how his arms are in the air and he looks like he's doing a "Frankenstein" walk! The other day he started squatting down to pick up toys, stand back up, then keep walking. It's so exciting to see him look like a little man!
He still only has 4 teeth and is in desperate need of a haircut (he is getting one in a couple of weeks)!
Brayden imitates just about everything that we do. Yesterday, he put something in his mouth and I said "yuck!" and fished it out of his mouth. Now whenever I say "yuck", he sticks out his tongue and brushes it off with his hand. Last night, I taught him how to blow kisses! He waves "bye-bye" when we say it. He definitely recognizes names of familiar things including "Lucy", "fan", "light", "ball", and "bottle". It's so nice that he's following simple directions especially "sit down" when he decides that standing up in the bathtub is a good idea! He actually has quite the fascination with lights and fans and whenever we enter a room, he looks for them and reaches up if they're there. The other day, he played ball back and forth with Lucy. Of course Lucy got frustrated that he wasn't throwing the ball very far but she still kept bringing it back! :)
He's basically eating everything that we do, but we're still giving him some Gerber dinners to make sure that he's getting enough. He loves his green beans, peas, carrots, strawberries, peaches, bananas, cheerios, and Goldfish, He still drinks 3 8oz bottles a day. He also drinks water and juice throughout the day from a straw cup. He takes a morning nap and an afternoon nap which are about 1 hour long.
There is nothing better than walking into the door from work and hearing "Mama!". He definitely knows who his "Dada" and "Mama" are!

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