Sunday, July 19, 2009

Only a month to go!! 35 weeks!!

Very hard to believe, but Baby Keenan may be here only a month from now!! We are getting very excited and it's starting to sink in more as the time gets closer. I have a doctor's appointment on Wednesday and from that point on I will begin going to appointments once a week. I wasn't able to get an appointment for the glucose tolerance test until this Wednesday morning, so luckily I'll have that over with soon as well. Overall, I've been feeling pretty good. I'm getting to the point where it's not too easy to get comfortable sometimes. I've had an ongoing problem of the skin and muscles at the top of my abdomen stretching and sometimes it just kills me! I'm very thankful that I'm only working part time right now (Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays). It's sounds crazy, but by Friday night I'm actually exhausted from working 2 days in a row. We went to the Reds game this past Friday night and I thought that I was going to die! haha I just did not feel well, but it was great to go to a Reds game again! I just am learning that I have to take it easy more. I'm feeling lots of kicks and movements, but I'm sure he/she is running out of room!
The baby's room is about ready. The pack and play, stroller and carseat are downstairs and ready to go and the bags are packed for the hospital. Recently I've talked to a lot of friends who actually had their babies weeks or even a month early, so I began to get worried and decided to just pack. I figure now that we're ready to go the baby will be 2 weeks late. haha We still have one more baby shower on August 1st in Columbus with family, so after that we'll do one more shopping trip to Babies R'Us and Target and pick up anything else that we may need.
We've had 2 childbirth classes so far. I feel like we've actually learned a lot. The thing that we realize the most is that we really can't plan what is going to happen the day of the birth. Luckily I'm a very laid back person and we're really not going into it with any sort of a plan. I'm just going to trust what the docs tell me and get the baby out. We're just going to have to see what the baby has in store for us!
33 weeks (Sarah, Alex, KC and I)
Submit your guesses about the baby! Don't forget to take our baby quiz at

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