Sunday, June 20, 2010

10 months!

It feels like Brayden is so grown up now! Now that he is always trying to interact with us, life is so much fun! He initiates peek-a-boo and loves to chase Lucy...she doesn't always love playing with him and he doesn't always love getting kisses from her though. Brayden gives us kisses when we ask him to and he's waving "hi" and "bye". He loves ceiling fans and when you ask him "Where is the fan?", he looks up and reaches up to it. When you tell him "no", he stops and looks, but depending on what he's doing he will just go back to what he was doing! :) He extends his arm out to show us his toys or other things that he has gotten his hands on. "Dada" is still his favorite word, but he's using "mama" quite a bit, too. He will imitate just about any sound you say to him and he always imitates facial expressions. Blowing raspberries is his new favorite thing to do!
This month, we have had the chance to get him in the pool for the first time! He loves to swim! We dunk him underwater and pass him back and forth between us and he never gets scared. He always hears planes flying over when we are in the pool and he spots them and reaches up to the sky. Brayden is definitely a little fish!
Brayden is now eating just about anything that we do. He's still getting some baby food and gets 3 8oz bottles of formula a day, but it has made life so much easier to just cut up table foods. He's also getting really good at drinking out of an open cup, but we're still holding it for him. Brayden can't quite get food on the spoon yet, but he puts it in his mouth whether there's food on it or not.
He's still going to bed between 7:00-8:00p.m. and sleeps until about 7a.m. He usually takes 2 naps, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Depending on the day, he'll take naps that last 1-2 hours.
Teething has been horrible recently and even came hand in hand with his first ear infection! Poor Brayden was miserable for about a week, but once the tooth popped through, everything was good! He now has 2 bottom teeth and 2 top teeth!
If he isn't walking by the end of this month, we are going to be completely surprised. He's cruising all along the furniture and has started to let go and take 1 step to get to another piece of furniture. Brayden lets go of things and balances for about 10-15 seconds, then either falls down or takes 1-2 mini steps and falls forward. It won't be long now!

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