Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Goodbye 2011, Hello 2012!

What a year 2011 has been for us!
Jeff has been hard at work as Company Commander here. The job keeps him very busy mainly because his Soldiers work 24/7 so there's always something going on. I started a new part-time job as a Speech-Language Pathologist at Ramstein Intermediate School at the beginning of December. It's going well so far, but I am very thankful that it's only part-time. I only have about 20 children on my caseload which is a piece of cake compared to the 80 that I had on my caseload when I worked in the schools in Tennessee. Brayden has been spending 4 days a week at a babysitter's house and goes to the daycare center on base one day a week. The girl that watches him at her house is great! She basically runs it like a preschool so it's nice to know that he's actually learning something.
If someone would have told me years ago that in 2011 we would live in 3 different houses, 2 of which were in Germany, I would have called you crazy! Besides living in Augusta, Georgia until May and traveling a lot to Ohio, it's hard to believe that we've managed to see as many places as we have. I only hope that our list is a lot longer for 2012!
Here are some of the places that we've had the opportunity to see this year!

Panama City, FL- January
Columbia, SC- March
Denver and Colorado Springs, CO- May/June (Jeff)
Nashville, TN- June (Stephanie and Brayden)
Move to Kaiserslautern, Germany (June)
Heidelberg, Germany- July
Triberg (Black Forest), Germany- August
Trier, Germany- September and November
Munich, Germany- October (Jeff)
Rome and Naples, Italy- October
St. Avold, France- November
Luxembourg- November
Bernkastel-Kues, Germany- November
Bastogne, Belgium- December

We are starting off the new year with a potty trained 2 year old and another baby on the way! I'd say that's a good place to start!

I've heard of a lot of people doing Project 365 where they take one picture every day throughout the year. I'm going to attempt to do this and post it on the blog. Hope I can keep up and remember to take a picture every day but I think that it will be a great way of documenting what we've been up to! Here are our first few days of 2012!

Day 1: 1/1/2012 I went on a cleaning rampage today and completing that with a toddler is nearly impossible! Right when I had finished cleaning the downstairs, I realized that Brayden had left his mark again!

Day 2: 1/2/2012 Cranberry Apple favorite dessert of the holidays! I had some pie crust to use so I thought that I might as well make it again.

Day 3: 1/3/2012 This is the face of a boy that wore big boy underwear all day and stayed dry!

Day 4: 1/4/2012 Every night I have started asking Brayden to set the table. I tell him to give Mommy, Daddy and Brayden a fork and napkin. He did such a good job tonight! :)

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